Call or Email Today - Currently Providing Telehealth and In-Person Services
Reno, NV

Case Consultation

For licensed therapists or a group of licensed therapists, I provide case consultation on either a regular or short-term basis. While my training is in interpersonal psychoanalysis and family systems therapy, I approach each case on a unique basis and understand that clinical work is too complex for a one-size-fits-all formulation. 

Whether you are looking for a different perspective on a clinical issue, or help in understanding your own emotions or experiences that come up in your work with patients, I will engage in a respectful dialogue with you that takes into account the complexity and unique challenges that come with being a psychotherapist. 

My case consultation fee is $150 for an hour or $200 for 90 minutes. For groups of therapists, the cost can be split between the members of the group. I am available for in-person consultation in Reno, NV. For clinicians out of the area, meetings are scheduled on Zoom.  

Please note: I am not an MFT supervisor. MFT interns looking for primary or secondary supervision should visit to find a supervisor. 

Contact me if you’re interested in case consultation.